The McPhillamys Gold Project was assessed by both the State and Federal Governments.

Importantly, the assessment process included consultation with our neighbours, the Blayney community, Blayney Council and the general public.



Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS)

The DFS determines definitively whether Regis will proceed with the project, and has a number of key objectives:

  • to demonstrate with reasonable confidence that the project can be constructed and operated in a technically sound and economically viable manner
  • to provide a basis for detailed design and construction, and
  • to enable the raising of finance for the project from banks or other sources.

Pending project approval, Regis will prepare a DFS. The DFS will include:

  • requirements arising from results of the EIS and feedback from the project review and approvals process
  • updated operating parameters
  • estimated capital and operating costs, and
  • a development schedule.

Based on the DFS the Regis Board will make the Final Investment Decision (FID) about whether the project should proceed.



Approvals Process

Step 1

We start by doing a huge range of studies to examine the possible impacts of the project. These studies are done by independent experts such as scientists, environmental consultants, engineers and geologists.

Step 2

Based on the results of the studies (e.g. traffic, noise, dust, water etc) Regis designs the preferred location and method of the project operations to make sure that they meet environmental, safety and other relevant standards. The results of the studies are shared with neighbours and the community and they are consulted on ways to reduce impacts.

Once the project plan is final we submit it to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPE) for assessment. This is in the form of a document called an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The EIS goes on public exhibition and feedback is invited from other government agencies as well as the general public.

Step 3

Regis responds to feedback by providing a Response to Submissions Report and an Amendment Report.

Step 4

The Project is then assessed by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and they recommend that the project be approved or rejected. It will then be referred to the Independent Planning Commission for determination.

Step 5

The Independent Planning Commission invites written submissions and holds a public hearing where members of the public will be able to speak about the Project.

Step 6

The Independent Planning Commission reviews all the information and makes a decision to either approve or reject the project.

If you would like more detailed information about the assessment process please visit: NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.



Development Application and Assessment Documents

Documents associated with the McPhillamys development application can be viewed on the Major Projects website of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment at this link.